The month of November has been very busy for us. My 30th birthday, visits with new Great Grandparents and other family, and Thanksgiving (2 of them)!
During all these busy times, Rylee gave us her first smile! I was playing peek-a-boo with her one morning, and poof- there it was! It was so amazing to see her smile her little toothless smile at me... looking so happy! Since then she has smiled more and more every day, and has even started to giggle a little! I can't believe how fast she is growing. It's amazing to see things change every day.
Rylee met her Great Grandma Arlyss and Great Grandpa Willis this last week when they drove from Minnesota to visit. We have been bust shopping, playing games, and visiting since they arrived. Needless to say, Rylee has not been put down since they arrived!
We drove down to Bend for Thanksgiving weekend to visit Lance's family. Rylee was such a good little traveler. She slept almost the whole 6 hour drive (with the exception of lunch time), and slept very well during the nights. It was so great to see the family again. Rylee got to meet all of her cousins and spend lots of quality time with her Grandpa Tom, aunties and uncles. Pictures to come!