The USB cord to our camera is not working, and therefore we cannot upload pictures to the computer. Very frustrating! I have tons of pics I want to share!

Rylee is almost 11 months now, and growing, growing, growing! She is so close to walking. She can stand by herself for about 20 seconds, and last night took a step by herself! Any day now she will just take off!
She has learned how to sign "milk." We are trying to teach her a few signs (mostly to do with eating), but the only one she's picked up so far is milk. She has also learned how to clap, high five, and do "touchdown!"
She has a tooth now too! A little baby tooth on the bottom started poking through while we were at Banks! It's adorable!! We can see another tooth next to it, but it hasn't popped through the gums yet. Amazingly she has been pretty good. A little fussy, but mostly just sleeps a lot (which is fine by me!)
As soon as we figure out a way to download pics I will post some!