Saturday, August 28, 2010

What we've been up to

The USB cord to our camera is not working, and therefore we cannot upload pictures to the computer. Very frustrating! I have tons of pics I want to share!

We've been busy the last couple of weeks. We went back to Banks lake for a weekend and had a blast. Our friends Kristin and Andy were there too, so we spent a lot of time with them. It was so nice to get away. The lake was way down, so Rylee was able to sit and crawl in some very shallow, warm water. Coulee came this time too. You can only imagine how much fun she had!
Rylee is almost 11 months now, and growing, growing, growing! She is so close to walking. She can stand by herself for about 20 seconds, and last night took a step by herself! Any day now she will just take off!
She has learned how to sign "milk." We are trying to teach her a few signs (mostly to do with eating), but the only one she's picked up so far is milk. She has also learned how to clap, high five, and do "touchdown!"
She has a tooth now too! A little baby tooth on the bottom started poking through while we were at Banks! It's adorable!! We can see another tooth next to it, but it hasn't popped through the gums yet. Amazingly she has been pretty good. A little fussy, but mostly just sleeps a lot (which is fine by me!)
As soon as we figure out a way to download pics I will post some!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hot hot hot

This weekend was so hot. We spent most of the weekend on the water... on the boat, and at Ma and Pa Thomas' house. Sunday Rylee and I hosted a baby shower for my friend Tania. We had a lot of fun playing games and visiting with everyone. We can't wait to meet baby Alexis!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Climbing to new heights

I think it's time for a new baby gate!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Banks Lake 2010

2 weekends ago we packed up the camping gear and went to Banks Lake for our annual trip.

We had so much fun. Tons of family, lots of friends, and plenty of sun and good times had by all.

Mike and Kathy's boat was the prime napping spot. Rylee and her cousins (Jack and Ace) took turns napping in their cutty.
We did some tubing, skiing and wake boarding. So much fun!

Rylee got to spend lots of time with her Grandparents, especially Grandma! She babysat a couple of times so mom and dad could go on some moonlight cruises... thanks Grandma!

Every one's favorite activity was hanging out on the "relaxation station." It was very relaxing for sure! We had two of them there so could fit plenty of people.

Rylee had no problems sleeping. She napped anywhere she could- on the boat, in the tent, or on a lap! She also slept through the night in the tent every night. In fact, she was often the last to get up in the morning! She must take after me.

The tube was Rylee's favorite toy. It was just the right size for her to sit/ stand in and only get a little wet!

The girls on the "relaxation station"

We had such a great time that we decided we are going back again this month. Rylee is such a good little camper we may as well take advantage of it. I could use a little more sun and boating before the summer is over!
Banks 2010 was a major success. I can't wait for Banks 2011!

Enjoying an evening at the Veh house

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy 10 months Rylee!

Sorry it's been so long. We've had trouble up-loading pics to our computer. We're all good now though, so stay tuned for Banks pictures! Rylee is 10 months old today. Time has gone so fast, I can hardly believe it! She has grown so much... she is a beautiful, sweet baby. She still sleeps 11- 12 hours a night, and naps twice a day. She rarely cries or fusses unless she is hungry or tired. She is crawling everywhere, and pulling herself up on everything. Today I found her 2 stairs up... time for another baby gate! She doesn't have any teeth yet, but it's got to be soon. I thank God every day for my little miracle. She is an angel and has brought so much joy to our lives. Happy birthday little monster! =)