Sunday, October 17, 2010

2 teeth!

Thought I'd share a pic of Rylee with her 2 teeth!

Finding the perfect pumpkin

It was a beautiful fall day today, so we decided to venture out to the pumpkin patch. We usually go to Maris Farms, but after all of the increased prices (and actually having to pay to get in), we decided to try Spooner Farms.

It was pretty cool. Definitely not as big as Maris Farms, and not as many activities, but it was great for us. We had fun exploring the farm and taking advantage of all the cute picture opportunities.

Rylee had fun for about 30 minutes (thankfully we got at least one cute picture of her), and then she was tired and grumpy. That's pretty much her routine now that she's teething!
All in all, we had a fun day and got 3 big pumpkins to carve. Rylee even brought home 2 baby size gourds. Can't wait to go back again next year!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

An afternoon in the rainy city

Today was a rainy Saturday, so we decided to venture into Seattle.
We went to Pike Place Market first to get coffee, people watch, and buy some flowers and fresh produce. Rylee had a great time sampling all the fresh fruits.
Next we went to the Seattle Center. Rylee had her first carousel ride!

She wasn't sure what to think of it. She liked sitting on the horse, but wasn't sure what to think when it started moving!

After the carousel ride, we went inside the center to check out the Children's museum. We only had a half-hour to check it out before closing. It was pretty cool and we'll definitely go back when Rylee gets a little older! She loved crawling through the tunnels and going down the slides.

All in all, a lazy Saturday turned into a pretty fun and exciting adventure!

Monday, October 4, 2010

One year stats

Rylee had her 1 year appointment today. Everything went great. She is healthy and doing everything she should be. The only bad part was her getting 5 immunizations! Poor baby!
*Here are her stats:
Height: 31 inches (95th %)
Weight: 23 lbs 14 oz (90th %)

Happy 1st Birthday Rylee!

Rylee turned ONE on Saturday. My baby is now a toddler. I just can't even believe it. Time has gone by so fast. Seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. It is bitter sweet. I am happy she is walking and communicating better, but I miss her being so little and helpless. She is becoming so independent. Thankfully, she still loves to cuddle and snuggle and give kisses and hugs. She is such a sweetheart! She has brought so much joy to our lives.

We had her 1st birthday party on Sunday. Auntie Mandy helped decorate and host the party. Lots of friends and family stopped by to wish her a happy day.

We had lots of yummy food. We tried to stick with a "kiddie food" theme, and had foods such as mini hot dogs and PB & J sandwiches.

We did the party in a monster/ pumpkin theme.

Rylee had her first carrot cup cake... and ate the whole thing!!! She has a sweet tooth just like her momma!

She wasn't too interested in opening her presents, so mom had to open them for her. She liked the ribbons and especially the boxes that the presents came in!

She got lots of fun presents. Lots of clothes, toys, and money! Her favorite presents were her giraffe guitar, bouncy green ball, and tea set. Mom and Dad's favorite present was the picture book made by Ma Thomas.

Lots of new friends stopped by. Baby Alexis is only 1 month old!

Baby Nolan and baby Madeline also stopped by. They are both 3 months old, and only 6 days apart!

After the party we went out to eat Chinese food with Grandma and Grandpa Jacobson, and Auntie Mandy and Jon. Later that night Rylee tried on all her new clothes and played with all her toys. We all had an amazing day. Thank you to everyone who came over to celebrate her special day! We love you all!