Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

 We had a magical Christmas Eve and Day.  Christmas Eve was spent with family friends at the Zhender house.  Normally we host this party, but it was a nice change to just go and enjoy ourselves and not worry about cooking or cleaning before and after.  We spent time with people we just don't see enough.  We had such a great time.
 Monica and Woodman even made it out for the party.  (These are friends who have been passed around year after year, showing up unannounced at parties and other events).  Rylee's BFF Rick (Pa Thomas) kept her entertained the entire party, chasing her around and hiding.  I'm sure he was tired the next day! 
 Christmas morning was spent with just the Craig family.  Rylee slept in till 10 am (I had to wake her up!), and then we spent time together opening stockings and gifts from Santa.  A little later we headed out the door to pick up Starbucks and spend time with the Jacobsons.  We opened presents, hung out with the family, celebrated my Dad's birthday, and had an amazing dinner of crab and prime rib. 

 Rylee got so many gifts she could barely open them all.  She would stop after each one and have to play with it for a while.  Her favorites were a little dog that came in a leopard spotted purse, and a Dora microphone.  (Soon-to-be) baby Carson even got a few gifts!
 The girls got the traditional PJ's form Santa that we wore ALL DAY.  Dad kept asking when we were going to put clothes on.  Thanks Auntie Diane for the fun shower caps! 

We hope everyone had a joyful Christmas.  We feel very blessed to have such amazing family and friends in our lives.  We are thankful for all the love and support we have around us.  We truly had the best Christmas yet! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

A fun-filled holiday weekend

 We went out to my parent's beach house this weekend for some fun and relaxation.  Rylee spent lots of quality time with Poppa and Grandma.
 She also got some quality time in with her BFF, Coulee. 
 One of Rylee's favorite beach time activities is feeding Sammy and his seagull pals.  (I think it may be one of Poppa's favorite things too).  She wakes up each morning asking "where Sammy?"
On our way home from the beach we stopped at the Pt. Defiance Zoo to see Zoolights.  We've been wanting to go for a while now, just never made the time.   It was really cool.  Rylee really enjoyed all the Christmas lights (and of course all the zoo animals).  We tried multiple times to get pictures but like I've mentioned before, Rylee does not like to have her picture taken. 

She is also right in the middle of the terrible two's.  Her favorite words are NO and NOW, and when she doesn't get her way she throws a big ole tantrum.  She is also protesting bedtime now.  Our bedtime routine (that used to be so nice and easy), now takes about 2 hours.  We are hoping this is a phase and will quickly pass!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas cookie baking

 Last Moday my mom, sister, Rylee and I did our annual Christmas cookie baking.  This year, Rylee decided she wanted to help too.  She spent most of the time eating the dough and powdered sugar (see pictures).  It was pretty funny.  She was trying to be sneaky about it too.  It was a great time as usual, and we made some of the traditional fav's: candy canes, snowballs, magic bars and sugar cookies.  Best of all, we had some quality family time!  =)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Welcome baby Ronan!

 Our friends Elisabeth and Sherman had a beautiful baby boy on 11/28.  His name is Ronan Jameson Veh, and he is just perfect.  We had the pleasure of meeting this little guy this weekend.  Just holding a brand new baby makes me really excited to meet my little guy in a couple months!
 Rylee had fun meeting this little guy too.  I'm sure that someday he will have a little crush on my beautiful girl.  Ronan and Carson (our boy on the way) will be about 3 months apart.  How much fun will we all have playing together?  I can't wait.

 This is Rylee's new thing.  Her cousins taught her how to do this (among other fun and dangerous things) last weekend when they were visiting.  The farther the table away is... the better!  Makes me nervous just looking at it.
This is me at 28 weeks.  I can't believe we are less than 3 months away from meeting our little man!