Sunday, February 26, 2012

My due date

 Today is the day Carson was supposed to arrive!  I can't believe he's been here 16 days already.  It feels like he's always been here!  He is a sweetheart as always, I can't believe we lucked out with another good baby.  He's slowly starting to figure out a sleep schedule, which is great for mom and dad.  He will stay awake for a couple hours in the morning and evening, and then will basically sleep on and off all day and night. 

Rylee continues to LOVE her baby brother.  We have to watch her closely though because she tries to pick him up.  She's gotten jealous a couple of times, but mostly she just wants to hold baby Carson all the time.  It is very sweet to see them together.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

8 lbs!

 Carson had another doctor's appointment today. 
8 lbs 1 oz.
20 1/4 inches
He's doing great.  SO sweet.  We are very lucky to have such a happy and content baby.  He rarely cries except when he's hungry, and when he does, man is he loud!  We are enjoying every minute with him.  I know he will grow so fast and I want to cherish every second!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy 1 week Carson!

Carson is 1 week old today!  He celebrated by oficially being able to come off the light bed!  It is SO nice to be able to hold him and interact with him and actually put him in regular clothes!  He had a very busy day... slept lots, ate lots, and melted mom and dad's hearts.  I can't believe he's been in my life for 7 days already.  He already brings our family so much love and joy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A small set-back

We had Carson's first Dr. appt yesterday.  He weighed in at 6 lbs 14 oz and still 20 inches long.  They drew his blood and determined that his billirubin levels were high.  They called us last night and told us that a nurse was bringing over a "billibed" (light therapy) that Carson would have to be on 24/7 (except for feedings).  We were pretty upset when we heard this.  How can we go days without holding and snuggling our little sweetheart? 

 It took a little while, but once we got into a routine it hasn't been so bad.  We wake him every 3 hours to feed him, change him, snuggle him a little and put him back to bed.  He's been pretty sleepy from the jaundice so he hasn't been fussy about being in the bed at all.  It has been pretty hard not being able to hold him whenever we feel like it though!  The nurse came by today and weighed him (7 lbs 2 ounces) and drew his blood.  She called tonight to say the levels had dropped and hopefully will be normal by tomorrow and then he'll be able to come off the bed.  I am keeping my fingers crossed!
 We got a few cute pics today while he was off the bed.  There will be lots more to come in the coming days!  This is just a small set-back for us.

Carson's first few days

Carson's first few days home have been busy, busy.  Lots of visitors, lots of sleepy time, and lots of time with his big sister.
Just a few of Carson's visitors... (I forgot to get pictures of some!)

Grandma and Grandpa Jacobson visited him in the hospital.

Rylee likes Carson almost as much as her babies!  She is very sweet with him.

Baby Carson is here!

Carson Jacob Craig
arrived February 10th 2012 at 11:43 am
7 lbs 12 ounces
20 inches
We had a feeling he would be here early, in fact, I'm surprised he waited until Friday!  (I guess he wanted me to finish out my work week!)
My water broke 2:30 Friday morning.  I wasn't having contractions yet, so we called the midwife and then crawled back into bed per her orders (yeah right, like I'd be able to sleep).  Around 5:30 I started having some infrequent contractions, so we got up and started getting ready.  We dropped off Rylee with my mom (luckily she hadn't left for work yet) and got to the hospital around 8:00.  By 9:30 my contractions were starting to get more frequent and intense.  By 11:00 they informed me I would not be getting an epidural because the anesthesiologist was in a c-section.  At this time I proceeded to freak out just a little bit (that was the only thing I had put in my birth plan)!  By 11:15 they told me that the midwife was not available and the hospitalist would have to deliver my baby (another small freak out moment for me).  At this time I realized that nothing was going as planned and I would just have to suck it up and have this baby au-natural.  Luckily, he was just the right size and came out quickly.  By 11:45 I was holding my beautiful baby boy in my arms.

My parents brought Rylee to visit later that day.  She absolutely fell in love with baby Carson. 
We spent the  rest of the day recovering and enjoying our new bundle of joy.  We had a few visitors stop by to meet Carson (although I failed to get pictures, dang it!).  Carson surprised me by taking to nursing very quickly.  He latched on right away and continues to nurse well.  The following day was spent seeing nurses, the pediatrician, the lactation consultant, and getting newborn labs drawn.
We were cleared to go home after 24 hours.  I was very surprised at this, I had no idea you could go home so soon!  We were ecstatic to bring Carson home and finally have our family together!

Monday, February 6, 2012

A fun family day

 We visited the Children's museum of Tacoma after my doctor's appointment today.  It just opened last month and is really cool.  Rylee absolutely had a blast.
There are lots of pics of her painting because that was the only time she was standing still enough for me to take one!
 She also mastered a slide that she was too afraid to go on last time.  What a brave girl!
This is the ultrasound pic of baby Carson at 36 weeks.  It's kind-of hard to tell, but it's of his face.  They measured him in the 83rd percentile at 7 lbs 9 oz.  The measurements can be off by up to 18 ounces (let's hope it's less!!) but the US tech did warn us that he is a "big boy."  At my appointment today I was 50% effaced and a station 2.  This means I still have a ways to go, but am definitely making some progress.  My midwife told me I better have my bags packed and ready to go!  After we left the appointment I had lots of contractions lasting all day.  Maybe he'll be here sooner than we think!  I secretly hope so!  =)