Friday, February 23, 2018

Arizona getaway

 We just returned from a quick trip to Arizona to find SNOW on the ground!  So crazy.  It was a 40 degree change in weather.  Talk about a shock to our system!  We went down to AZ to get a quick warm vacation, but also to visit my Grandma Arlyss.
 The kids spent lots of time in the pool, both Grandma's pool and our hotel pool.  Most days the kids would swim in the afternoon and then again in the evening while Lance and  I would sit in the hot tub or have a drink by the pool.
 We did one family hike at McDowell Mountain regional park.  Carson got attacked by a cactus halfway through the hike so he wasn't the happiest guy after that.  At least he had a good story to tell once he got back to Grandma's house.  We stopped for ice cream on the way back which helped to improve his mood.  😃
 When we weren't in the pool we were playing cards.  I was worried Carson would be bored and not want to play cards with us, but to my surprise he was a complete card shark!  He loved playing with us and he was good!  It made for some really fun card games.
We also got to see my Uncle Brad and Aunt Barb while we were there.  They live in the same community as my Grandma.
 This was the pool at our hotel.  It was really pretty!
 The last night Willis took us out to a steak dinner.  It was delicious!  We had such a fun trip.  Wish we could have stayed longer!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Mandy's Baby Shower

My sister is having a baby!!!  Can you tell I'm excited?!  I'm going to be an Auntie!!!  My sister is due with a baby girl (Kennedy Rose) due March 23rd.

Mandy's 3 sisters-in-law and I just hosted a baby shower for her.  It was a floral, blush colored theme to go with the decorations in the Kennedy's room.  It was so much fun celebrating Mandy.  She is such a cute pregnant girl and is going to make such an amazing mom! 
We did the typical "diaper thoughts" where you write a message on a diaper for the parents to read on those late night diaper changes.
Erin (Jon's sister) made some really cute champagne favors with tags that said "Pop it when she pops."
The dessert table was to die for.  Super cute handmade cookies from a family friend, donuts and homemade strawberry pretzel sticks.
We also did a diaper raffle so Mandy could get stocked up on diapers.  
A picture of the hostesses with the mom-to-be.
 There was a great turnout.  Most of Mandy's best friends and family were able to make it.
Rylee was a big help with the decorations, and Rylee and Caitlin (Erin's daughter) both helped with the present opening.  We played a game during present opening where you passed a box (with a gift inside) 2 spots to the left every time someone said the word "cute."  Needless to say, the box went around the room multiple times!  It is hard not to say cute with so many adorable baby clothes!  The person holding the box at the end won the gift.  It was a fun twist.
The whole group.  Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate Mandy and baby Kennedy!

Carson's 6th Birthday

I brought treats to Carson's class on Friday, the day before his birthday.  It was so much fun to see him in his element.  He was so excited to pass out brownies to his friends.  He even got to tell all the kids about his favorite stuffed animal, Otterton.  
On Saturday Carson had his birthday party at a bouncy house.  Lots of his friends came to help him celebrate.  He had a great time.  
He loved sitting in the giant inflatable chair.  
Thanks to all his little friends for making his day so special!
Saturday night we celebrated at Red Robin with Grandma, Papa, Aunt Mandy and Uncle Jon.  What a busy and fun-filled birthday!  🎈