Monday, January 21, 2019

Snowmen and sledding

We were supposed to go to Lake Chelan for the Winterfest festival this weekend with friends.  We had the most beautiful house booked and paid for and had our Winterfest tickets bought.  The flu bug had other plans.  Poor Carson and Rylee both caught the flu the week before and didn't recover enough to go hang out with the little kids that were going with us.  We were all so bummed.
We took a day trip to Leavenworth so we could at least have some playtime in the snow.  The normal sledding hill was a little sad and wet this year, so we made our own hill.  The kids had fun making snowmen and having a snowball fight.  It wasn't exactly the winter weekend we had planned, but we made the most of it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

First hike of the New Year

 Last weekend was absolutely beautiful.  One of my New Years resolutions this year is to go on more hikes... so we took advantage of the sun and went on our first family hike of the year.  We drove up past Greenwater and went adventuring.  Coulee was in heaven.  She was able to be off leash and was running around sniffing everything in sight.  The kids loved exploring with her.  We even found some snow!
 After the hike we stopped in Greenwater at one of my favorite little stores for some coffee and ice cream.  Such a fun day.