Saturday, April 13, 2019

Spring Break 2019

 We spent the first half of spring break in Roche Harbor (see earlier post), but we still had a few days left to have some fun around home.
 Wednesday we went to go see Dumbo.  It was SO good!  I only cried a couple of times!  😃
 Thursday we went to Trampoline Sportz in Federal Way for some bouncing fun.  That night our neighbor Weilan came over to have a sleepover with Carson.
Friday we got a break in the rainy weather so we went to the spring fair for some rides and delicious fair food.  That night the kids built a giant fort in the living room to sleep in.  
What a fun end to Spring Break 2019!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Spring break in Roche Harbor

 We started spring break off in the San Juan Islands.  It was the kids first ferry ride!  We rented a big house on Roche Harbor with Mandy, Jon and Kennedy.
 Mandy and Jon were there for a friends wedding, so we hung out with Kennedy while they were busy with wedding activities.  We took her out to dinner Friday night and the kids had a blast feeding her and keeping her entertained.  She was a little angel!
 Saturday morning we took a long walk over to the Lime Kiln Cafe for some fish and chips and fresh donuts.  The donuts were DELICIOUS!
 On the way back we stopped at this amazing rope swing.  It was so fun.  It was awesome to have it right down the beach from the house we were staying it at.  The kids spent lots of time there.
 Kennedy is absolutely in love with Rylee (and vice versa!)  Saturday night she would not let Rylee out of her sight.  It was so sweet, just look at her little hand on Rylee's thigh! 💗 But I must admit, I was a little jealous of all the snuggles!
Sunday was a beautiful day.  We took a walk on the beach and did some tidepooling.  We saw lots of eels and little crabs under the rocks.  We spent more time on the rope swing.  We sat on the deck in the sun and enjoyed the gorgeous views.   We drank blue moons and watched the seals.  That evening we went to Friday Harbor and ate dinner at the San Juan Brewing Co.  Perfect Day!
 We spent Monday exploring Friday Harbor.  We moved over to the Earthbox Inn for the night.  It rained that afternoon so we took advantage of the hotel pool and then checked out the islands bowling alley.  Such a fun weekend and a great start to spring break!

Carson's 1st grade concert

Carson had his first grade concert last week, "The Three Nanny Goats Gruff."  It was so cute and they all did such a great job.  Of course we had to celebrate with ice cream afterward!