Thursday, September 12, 2019

Scottsdale Girls Trip 2019

 I just returned from an amazing long weekend away with my girlfriends in Scottsdale, AZ.  We stayed at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort.  It was an absolutely beautiful resort, and we made so many fun memories there.  
 We spent our time shopping, lounging by the pool, and relaxing.  At night we ventured out to eat delicious meals, explore old town and downtown Scottsdale.
 There's something about girls weekends that just relax and recharge your soul.  Girlfriends really are the best therapy. 
Can't wait until next year, Scottsdale!  The countdown in on!  🌴

Back to School! 2nd & 4th grade

First Day of School pics.  Both kids are at Bonney Lake Elementary.  
Rylee is in 4th grade and has Ms. Mitchell.
Carson is in 2nd grade and has Ms Prain.
It's going to be a great year!

Summer Shenanigans

I can't believe summer is over!  It went tooooooo fast!  I'm not ready for it to end.
Both kids played summer sports which kept us extremely busy with practices/games 2-3x week.  Carson played coach pitch baseball and Lance helped coach his team.  Rylee played softball for the first time and loved it!
Lance and I had a fun double date night with our neighbors.  We played games at Rhein House and checked out the new McMenamins in Tacoma.
We played lots of games and spent time with my niece Kennedy.  My sister was nice enough to watch the kids a few days while Lance and I were at work.  Rylee loves "babysitting" her, and Kennedy is absolutely obsessed with Rylee.  💗
We spent lots of time with our neighbors this summer.   And Rylee got braces!  Just 4 on the top, but they are so cute!
The Sequim Craigs held their annual summer BBQ.  The kids had so much fun spending time with their cousins.
We spent some time on the lake (although not as much as I would have liked!)  
One of the activities on the kids summer bucket list was to go to Wild Waves.  It was crazy and super busy, but still fun.
The kids spent a couple of weekends with my parents, so Lance and I took advantage and had some much needed date nights.  We went to an outdoor concert at Bonney Lake Days, went to Point Ruston, and just spent some quality time together.
Please summer don't go!!!!!!!  🌞

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Belated Birthday Surprise

My brother-in-law Peter and I surprised Lance and my niece Jessica with a day trip to Friday Harbor.  Peter picked us up at Boeing field and flew us over in his plane that morning.  We had a picnic lunch in the park, went kayaking and then had dinner overlooking the water.  Such a great day!
We kayaked with San Juan Kayak Expeditions- they were great.  We saw seals, porpoises, eagles and jumping salmon.  The sun was out and the water was calm.  Perfect day!
We kayaked down to the Lime Kiln Lighthouse and then floated back with the current.
We ended the night with cheesecake and flew back with the sunset.  Such a fun birthday surprise!

Bumping Lake

We tried to venture out of our camping comfort zone this summer and check out some new spots.  I had heard good things about Bumping Lake, so we decided to try it out.  We loved the campground.  The campgrounds were surrounded by trees and very private and quiet.  The paved roads and sidewalks were perfect for riding bikes! 
The lake was absolutely beautiful, surrounded by mountains and trees.  The lake had tons of stumps in it though, and was really shallow in places.  It was 100 feet deep in places too!  The wind coming off the mountains was a little cooler than I prefer, and the fishing was not great.  I think we'll leave the boat at home next time.
Coulee was excited to be able to go on another camping trip with the family.  I think its a record for her- twice in one summer!  She was a good girl.  
The kids (and us too) had fun exploring around the lake.  There were little frogs everywhere!  The lake was down quite a bit so there was a lot of mud, which the kids thought was great!  They kept telling me its "good for your skin!"
All in all, we loved Bumping lake!  We'll be back for sure. 

*Hammock fun video*