My first blog... ever. I really don't even know what to say! I thought it might be fun to start blogging so my friends and family can watch the status of my pregnancy come along. I love reading friend's blogs about their lives so hopefully others might enjoy reading about my life too.
Well, I am 22 weeks pregnant with my first child. Lance and I got married last July and figured we weren't getting any younger so why wait. Little did we know that it would happen so fast! I found out I was pregnant in February and boy was that a surprise! I was excited, but also scared out of my mind. I thought to myself, are we really ready to bring another little life into this world? What kind of parents would we make? Even though months have passed, I still am scared to death! But there is no turning back now, so I can only hope that we will be ready when the time comes. Already life has changed so much. I can't imagine what it will be like when there is a little Lance/Michelle running around! But we are ready. We are over the staying up late/ bar scene/ getting wasted days. Don't get me wrong, we are still ready to party and hang out with friends at anytime, but our crazy troublemaking days are over.
So anyway, we found out 2 weeks ago Friday that we are having a girl! Yay! I am very excited to have a mini me to dress up and tote around with me! We went to Miami and Key West 2 weeks ago with my sister Mandy and her boyfriend, Jon. We decided when we had our last ultrasound that we would wait to find out the sex until we were on vacation. So we had the ultrasonographer put the sex and the colored socks in a sealed envelope that we could take with us. In Miami we went to dinner at this cute little restaraunt and decided to open it as the sun was setting while we sat outside. It was so exciting to find out it was a girl! We then spent the rest of dinner calling every one we knew to tell them the news!
I felt her kick for the first time the same day we found out the sex. I think she was trying to tell us that she wanted us to know. It is a really incredible feeling to feel the baby kick. I always wondered what it would feel like, and how would I know that's what I was feeling? It just feels like a little flick. Amazing. Now that I can feel her inside me, the whole pregnancy thing actually feels real. Up to that point I hadn't really felt pregnant at all. I haven't had any morning sickness or back pain or anything (yet). Besides gaining a million pounds (or at least it feels that way) and a little (okay, really) fatigued, I've felt pretty normal. But now I have a little bump and can feel the baby kicking. Crazy!!
Anyway, that's pretty much all I have to say for now. That's just a little introduction to me and my life. My new amazing journey. More to come...
At 19 weeks
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