We spent this weekend at the beach house. It was rainy and cloudy most of the time, but we still managed to get a long walk in. The rest of the time was spent relaxing; watching movies, eating yummy food, and snuggling with Rylee.
We are having some issues with our day care. We really like the woman who runs the day care, and Rylee really enjoys the kids, but she recently told us that we either had to 1. start picking her up at 5:30, or 2. pay $30 more a week so she could hire someone for the extra hour. This is very frustrating as we were very specific with our needs, and she had only been there 3 weeks! Thankfully, my parents are able to help pick her up early, but I don't want them to have to do it forever! Lance and my schedules are not very flexible to be able to get out that early. So, needless to say, we are starting our search again. I will keep you updated.