Sunday, January 31, 2010

A weekend at the beach

We spent this weekend at the beach house. It was rainy and cloudy most of the time, but we still managed to get a long walk in. The rest of the time was spent relaxing; watching movies, eating yummy food, and snuggling with Rylee.
As you can see, Coulee loves the beach house. She gets to swim, rescue sticks, and she even has her own spot on one of the couches.
This is where most of the weekend was spent!

This is Rylee's new spot at the dinner table. She loves it!

We recently got her a bouncy seat. Her feet barely touch the ground, but she loves bouncing herself and playing with all the new toys!

Practicing her skiing
She absolutely LOVES being naked!

We are having some issues with our day care. We really like the woman who runs the day care, and Rylee really enjoys the kids, but she recently told us that we either had to 1. start picking her up at 5:30, or 2. pay $30 more a week so she could hire someone for the extra hour. This is very frustrating as we were very specific with our needs, and she had only been there 3 weeks! Thankfully, my parents are able to help pick her up early, but I don't want them to have to do it forever! Lance and my schedules are not very flexible to be able to get out that early. So, needless to say, we are starting our search again. I will keep you updated.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Back to work... boo!

So I've been back to work for 2 weeks now. It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be. It is definitely hard to leave Rylee every day (well... 3 days), but it is kind of nice to get away and have some adult interaction. It is fun to hear all the gossip from my co-workers about their lives... mine has changed drastically over the past few months. Definitely not as exciting as it used to be, but very much more rewarding. Rylee is my little angel and I wouldn't trade her for the world! She is doing well at daycare. They just love her there and she seems to have fun too. I know she enjoys watching all the kids run and play around her.
She is growing up so fast! She has a really strong grasp and is starting to hold onto toys and play by herself more. She still loves interaction with people way more than toys though. My silly faces could entertain her all day! She is starting to giggle. It is so adorable! She is such a happy baby. She now sits in a booster seat with us when we eat dinner. She can sit with assistance (like in the chair) but not by herself yet. She absolutely hates being on her stomach and screams at us every time we put her on it!
Coulee continues to do really well with Rylee. In fact, one night our monitor wasn't working (Rylee is in her own room now) and Coulee woke us up when she heard Rylee crying! We were pretty proud of her!

We have started taking her in the shower now (instead of baths) and she just loves having the water run on her. So cute! I can't wait to get her in the water soon! We are planning a trip to Maui in May... so that will be her first real water experience!

What a little cutie pie! Every day I look at her and wonder how she got to be so darn cute!

This last weekend was a busy one for us. Friday I had a class at work so Aunt Nory and Janice came to babysit. Saturday I had a massage, we went for a walk, Aunt Patti and Uncle Chugger, and Grandma Jacobson came to visit during the day, and then we all went to the Selden house for a murder mystery party. Sunday was spent recovering and relaxing. Also had another visit from Grandma.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Almost walking!

Rylee got some new frog jammies or Christmas from Aunt Diane and she loves them (and so does her mom)!

Rylee's legs are getting so strong! She is able to stand (with help) for a long time. Every day she is able to stand longer and longer! She may be walking before crawling! =)

She seems to gain more and more personality every day. She is so much fun. She loves to talk and tell stories. She is still sleeping through the majority of the night, but only takes catnaps (although many of them) during the day.
I have to go back to work Tuesday so Rylee will start day care then. I am not excited to go back to work! I feel very anxious about it. I am nervous about leaving her all day! Luckily it will only be for 7 hours, 3 days a week. Hopefully I will be able to cut back my hours in the near future to spend more time with Rylee. Right now though, things are just too tight! I'm sure she will do fine. I know she will love watching and interacting with the other kids. I will let you know how it goes. I'm sure I will be a wreck on Tuesday!