Rylee got some new frog jammies or Christmas from Aunt Diane and she loves them (and so does her mom)!

Rylee's legs are getting so strong! She is able to stand (with help) for a long time. Every day she is able to stand longer and longer! She may be walking before crawling! =)

She seems to gain more and more personality every day. She is so much fun. She loves to talk and tell stories. She is still sleeping through the majority of the night, but only takes catnaps (although many of them) during the day.

I have to go back to work Tuesday so
Rylee will start day care then. I am not excited to go back to work! I feel very anxious about it. I am nervous about leaving her all day! Luckily it will only be for 7 hours, 3 days a week. Hopefully I will be able to cut back my hours in the near future to spend more time with
Rylee. Right now though, things are just too tight! I'm sure she will do fine. I know she will love watching and interacting with the other kids. I will let you know how it goes. I'm sure I will be a wreck on Tuesday!
I love coming on here with the kids and Tony and checking in on your little family. It's so nice to see her growing up so fast. You both are doing FANTASTIC!!! XOXO