Rylee loves reading. She loves touching each page and looking at all the bright colors.
She recently discovered her toes!

We were all set to start with the nanny in March. The details were set, and we told the current day care we were leaving. Today, I
received an email from the nanny. Apparently her husband's hours are being cut back at work and now she has to go back to work full time. So we are back to the beginning. Trying to find a day care... again. I am so frustrated. We have pretty much called every day care in the area and for one reason or another they won't work. Luckily, Lance's boss said he can get off an hour early for the next month so we can stay at our current day care for now. I just don't know what to do! I might need to look into changing my schedule or something.
Rrrrrrr.... what a way to ruin my day.
On another sad note, last night at work a relatively healthy 16 year old girl died. It was a very sad night for every one. It makes me realize that even when I think I have stress and problems, I have nothing compared to what her family is going through. Life is
waaaaay too short. We all need to cherish every single moment and memory, because you never know what the future holds for us. As I sit here holding my baby girl in my arms, I can only hope that God's plan for her includes a long, healthy life full of love and happiness. I love you
Rylee! And I pray for the family of that beautiful girl, may you find comfort in each other.