We've been keeping busy this month. We've been trying to get outside as much as the weather will let us.
Rylee absolutely
LOVES being outdoors. This is why we had to get her a new toy!

A couple weeks ago we took a road trip to Bend, Oregon to visit Lance's brother and his family.
Rylee had so much fun chasing her cousins Jack and Ace around.

The parents even got a night out to experience the Bend Ale Trail. There are some VERY cool breweries in Bend, and some very yummy beer!

Rylee had fun playing with all of Jack and Ace's toys. She makes a good pirate I think.
Last week Lance and
Rylee spent the day in Seattle while I was at work. They started out at the Seattle Center, took the monorail downtown to explore, and then ended at my work to bring me coffee and chocolate! A good day had by all! =)

Her first escalator ride by herself. What a big girl!

Got a free pear... delicious! (She calls every piece of fruit "apple.")

This weekend Lance's parents, Tom and Annette dropped by for a visit.
Rylee is absolutely
IN LOVE with her Grandpa. It is so sweet seeing them together.

It's been a good month so far!
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