Monday, July 16, 2012

Finally... summer!

 We've FINALLY had some nice days around here.  So, needless to say we've been very busy (hence why I haven't posted in a while).   BBQ's, boating, hanging with friends.  I LOVE summer!  Here's a few pics of what we've been up to.
 Rylee took her first ride on a jet ski.  She had a blast... until she got wet.  Then she was done and ready to move onto the next activity!
 We discovered a park in Auburn that has lots of water spray fun, a sandbox, swings, and all sorts of other things.  I anticipate we'll be spending a lot of time there this summer! 
Most of all, Rylee and Carson have been hanging out.  They love each other so much, it's adorable to watch.  Rylee can be a little rough on him, but it's mostly because she's trying to love on him so much.  She loves reading to him, snuggling him, taking baths with him, and helping feed him. 
 Carson is now 5 months old.  He weighs almost 18 pounds and is still my happy, smiley boy.  He can roll over now and does it constantly.  He is starting to sit although still needs support.  He loves talking, laughing and most of all chewing (gumming) anything in site.  He is a drooling machine and always has a wet shirt to show for it.  He sleeps about 10-11 hours a night with the occasional early morning feeding.  His eyes are still very blue and it's hard to say what color his little fuzz head will be.  He is my heart and my sweet little man.

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