Friday, September 14, 2012

7 months... and potty training!

Unfortunately, the 2 are mutually exclusive! =)
Carson is now 7 months and such a handsome little man.  His hair is now long enough for me to style, so you know he has been sporting the faux hawk!  He is a very stylish dude.  He is now eating lots of foods (squash, peas, bananas, apples, pears, cereal and oatmeal), and trying new things every week.  He wasn't so wild about the peas, but he still eats them!  He absolutely loves playing.  He is very content just sitting on the floor with a bunch of toys around him.  He is ALMOST!!! crawling.  He gets up on his hands and knees and then scoots backwards.  He is growing way too fast.  Slow down little man!
 Rylee is almost 3.  I can't believe my baby girl and now a little girl!  She is sweet and beautiful and a little handful.  I wouldn't have her any other way!
I think (fingers crossed!!!) that this girl is officially potty trained!  She has now gone one whole week wearing underwear with only a couple of accidents.  She absolutely loves wearing her undies (Minnie, Dora and Tangled of course).  As many of you know, it's been a LONG, frustrating road.  We should have just listened to every one's advice: "she'll do it when she's ready."  She did!  We are very proud of her.
These two are still BFF's.  Carson just adores Rylee and she loves taking care of him.  They are two peas in an (adorable) pod.

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