Taking a ride with Grandma

2 weekends ago we took a road trip (our 2
nd one) down to Corvallis to visit Grandma J. We spent one night and 2 days there. Our days were spent visiting, shopping, going out to eat and drinking lattes!
Rylee was a little angel and did wonderful with all the driving. She loved meeting her Grandma for the first time and can't wait to see her again!

We have been trying to establish a bedtime routine with
Rylee. We feed her, get her in her
jammies and then read her a couple of stories. She does pretty good and normally falls asleep soon after the stories. Of course there have been a few bad nights!! She is now sleeping 10-11 hours a night... and usually she sleeps straight through the night! We are very lucky (and well rested) parents!!
Rylee LOVES the Christmas tree! She loves staring at all of the lights. I can't wait for her to spend Christmas with us! It will be the best one yet.
Last weekend Rylee (and us) went to the beach house. Saturday night the Christmas boats went by (about 10-15 boats all lit up with Christmas lights). That was really fun to see. Sunday was a beautiful day (the first half anyway) so we were able to walk on the beach and throw sticks for Coulee. Later when it rained we baked cookies while the boys watched football. It was a great weekend!
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