Last weekend I went with my girlfriends (minus Michelle W. who was sick) to the Tulalip Casino. We do some kind of overnight trip together every year at this time instead of buying each other Christmas gifts. It was really strange to be away from Rylee for so long. I missed her! But it was also really nice to get away and catch up with my friends. Lance did a great job taking care of her and I think he enjoyed the father-daughter bonding time!
Rylee had her 2 month check up yesterday. She is growing so fast, still in the 95th percentile in both weight and length. She weighs 13lbs 5 oz and is 24 1/4 inches long. She is still wearing her 3 month clothes but I think is close to fitting into her 6 month old stuff. I'm excited for her to start wearing some new things! She can hold her head up alone for quite a while now, and is becoming so interactive. She loves to be talked to, read to, and sung to. She really loves answering questions with a smile and giggle. She is generally very happy and I feel so lucky for that. Sometimes I still wonder how Lance and I could make such a beautiful little angel!
I start back to work at the end of this month. I have some anxiety about this. I think we have found a good daycare for her, but I still worry that she won't be given the care and attention she needs. I can't imagine being away from her for 3- 12 hour days!!! I am trying to enjoy our last couple of weeks together and not worry too much about it.
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