Thursday our day care provider came down with pneumonia and couldn't watch Rylee. We had to quickly scramble to find someone to watch her, or call in sick... again! We called on Rylee's favorite babysitters- Janice (aka Ma Thomas) and Nory. Luckily they were available. Rick even stopped by to keep Coulee company. We are so fortunate to have such great friends that will drop things at a moments notice for us. (It helps that they are retired). Thank you so much guys! Rylee loves you both so much. They have already taught her to hold a ski rope, dance, and play cards! =)
We are again having day care issues. I have come to believe that it is never ending. The assistant that our day care provider hired is no longer working there. So... we are back to having to pick up Rylee at 5:30. Lance is able to get off work early this month, but who knows about next month. We have called pretty much every day care provider in this area. Lance thinks every thing will work itself out, so I am trying not to worry about it.
Yay... I'm so glad you have a blog... Now I can show Ashton pictures of Rylee! I put you on my blog buddies list! Happy late 5 months Rylee Anne!!!