I can't believe our baby is almost 6 months old! Time goes by so fast. She changes so quickly these days. Every week is a new milestone.

Coulee is still doing great with
Rylee. She lets her tug on her ears and joules without a peep. The hardest part is keeping her from licking
Rylee's face... she loves it!
Rylee has started rolling over! She rolled over for the first time last week, and has been doing it more and more ever since! She can roll over in about 2 seconds these days. I can't wait for her to start crawling. So exciting!

She is also liking to be on her stomach more and more. She used to cry after about 2 minutes, now she will even play on her stomach!

She discovered grass for the first time yesterday. She loved touching and playing with the slippery green grass! I can't wait for the summer to come so she can play out side more. So much for her to see and feel!

We have been walking a lot since the weather has been so nice. She loves to walk both in her stroller and front pack. She loves looking at all of the trees and flowers. She usually lasts about a half to three quarters of the walk before falling asleep.
cute post. I love the pic with her and your dog! PS... thanks for hosting bunco it was a blast!