Friday, June 17, 2016

Congratulations Jessica!

 We spent the last weekend in Sequim, celebrating our niece Jessica who graduated high school.  She was one of 6 valedictorians of her school, a state swimmer, and has her private pilots licence.  She is pretty amazing.  She will be going to UW in the fall.  GO HUSKIES!
 It was so much fun having the family all together.  Rylee and Carson played nonstop with their cousins and were exhausted every night.  The Sequim Craig's have an awesome backyard... they have a trampoline and a zip line.  It doesn't get more fun than that!  Grandma J stayed in a hotel with a pool so one morning we visited for a swim.
 Rylee had a blast playing with their dog, Cody.  He liked to get on the trampoline with everyone and chase balls nonstop!  He was very patient and sweet with the kids.  Carson kept saying he wanted to "trample," ("Mom, will you trample with me?")  It was the cutest thing ever!  Peter gave a great speech at Jessica's graduation party.  He even brought out an alarm clock that was given to him for his graduation, and he still uses it daily!
 Rylee was thrilled to see cousin Mira on Sunday.  She loves her and looks up to her so much.
Next year cousin Ryan is graduating.  We can't wait to make a trip to Carmel, CA to celebrate him!
 Cousin Mathew (he's 16) was awesome about letting the kids wrestle and play with him.
 All the cousin's on the Craig side.  Love them!
Congratulations Jessica!  We are so proud of you!
Had to show a video of Carson's first time on the zip line.  He loved it!

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