Friday, June 7, 2024

Spring 2024

Kennedy turned 6 in March!  She is growing up to be such a sweet and beautiful girl.  We love her so much!
Lance and Carson went to a UW baseball game with some friends.
We went to the spring fair.  Luckily we missed the rain!  Spent the day riding rides and eating scones.
Kona is getting so big!  She's as sweet as ever and so smart.  She has learned many new tricks.
Aunt Patty came to watch one of Rylee's Sundodger games.

Rylee was a co-captain with her friend Naya for the varsity volleyball team this year at LMS.  She played well and had a lot of fun.
Proof of a date night before the Justin Timberlake concert!
Rylee and Eva with their 8th grade graduation awards!

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