Rylee's first few days at home were spent sleeping, eating and pooping. Oh- and cuddling with all of her visitors! She has had visits from Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Peter and Elisabeth. Sunday we all went to Michelle and Adam's wedding. It was beautiful and Rylee got to meet all of her other Aunties that couldn't visit her in the hospital. She slept though the whole thing!
We have been doing pretty well at home. It was really nice to have Lance home a few extra days to help. It really makes a big difference! Today was his first day back at work and it has definitely been a challenge for me being home alone with Rylee. We are still working on the whole nursing thing. She was feeding for an hour- 1 1/2 hours at a time... but the doctor suggested we try only letting her feed for 30 minutes at a time and more frequently. He said we need to train her to eat more efficiently. Makes sense I guess but she seems hungry all the time! Today she had been especially fussy and will only sleep if she has her pacifier in her mouth. It's so hard to know if she is getting enough milk! She is also still on her oral antibiotics and they are giving her diarrhea... her poor butt is so red and sore!
She had her first doctors appt yesterday which went really well. She has maintained her weight from when she left the hospital (8 lbs 9 oz.) and has grown in length (now 21 3/4 inches). The doctor said everything looks great! She has her next appointment in a month.
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