She looks so tiny in our big bed!

We've been trying to walk but it's hard with all the rain!

Naked baby- she hasn't lost her cord yet!

Sleepy time
Rylee and I went to see the lactation specialists last week. Much to my surprise, the appointment went very well. They weighed her first and she weighed 9.7lbs. That is 13.5 ounces more than she was when she had her first doctors appointment. The nurse said this is very good (almost a 1.5 ounce weight gain per day), and that she is definitely getting enough milk from me. I was very relieved to hear this, as I was concerned I wasn't producing enough milk. She reassured me that
Rylee is just a hungry girl and needs to eat very frequently. I feel so much better hearing this!
Rylee has been eating well since the appointment, and is starting to get a little chunky!! (well... just her belly and face. She still has skinny little legs and arms!) She is growing like crazy. She has almost outgrown all of her newborn clothes and is starting to wear the 0-3 month size (although they are still pretty big on her). She is becoming more and more active every day. She is constantly moving her arms and legs around. She loves her hands and has to have them free and close to her face at all times. Her eyes are still gray (although I think they are starting to look a little blue). We are anxious to see what color they will be! She is also becoming very vocal. She is constantly making cute little cooing noises. She is still a very good baby and only cries when she is hungry or has a dirty diaper.
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