Rylee Anne is finally here! She arrived Friday, October 2nd, 2009 at 8:38 pm.
She was 8.86 lbs and 20 1/4 inches long.

I started having contractions Wednesday afternoon at work so I came home early and called Lance. We spent that night and the next day walking, practicing our breathing techniques, and doing more walking. We decided to go to the hospital Friday around 2:00 am when the contractions were about 3 minutes apart. Come to find out when we arrived I was only dilated to a 1. We knew we were in for a long day. The day went smoothly up until it was time to push. I spent 4 hours pushing and then they discovered that
Rylee's head was stuck under my pelvic bone. At this point we all were afraid that I would need a c-section. They decided to try the vacuum suction and luckily, it worked! Out came my beautiful baby girl! I can't even try to explain the overwhelming feelings I felt at that moment. She was the most beautiful, perfect thing I've ever seen! Lance and I were instantly in love with her.
She has a full head or dark hair, dark eyes (for now), a little button nose and perfect pink lips. It is hard to say who she looks like. So far we can tell she has Lance's ears and my long fingers and toes. She is definitely a
snuggler just like her dad.
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