There were may visitors who came to see Rylee on her first day of life. She spent the day being cuddled and held by all of her new family and friends.
Grandpa Mike
Auntie Mandy
Aunt Nory
Aunt Michelle

Ma and Pa Thomas and the Lackey family also stopped by to visit Rylee. It was a fun-filled day.
Saturday night Rylee was really fussy and the nurse noticed that her respirations were really fast. Even when she was quiet and resting her respirations were still around 80 per minute. They ended up doing some bloodwork and discovered she had a WBC count of 40,000 and an elevated CRP (which tests for inflammation). They decided to move her to the nursery for the night. That was one of the hardest things I've had to do- watch my healthy (at least I thought) baby being taken away from me to the special care nursery. We were really scared at that moment. The doctor said she would have to stay at least 2-3 days in the nursery.
The next day they did a chest x-ray and discovered she had a mild pneumonia. They put her on antibiotics and told us she would need to be in the hospital for 7-10 more days. They also put her on the monitor to continuously watch her heart rate and respirations.
They let us stay in our hospital room one more night so we could still visit and feed her every few hours. Monday they kicked us out of that room, but luckily we were able to stay in a little "sleeper room" outside the nursery. We spent the next couple of days pretty much living in the nursery with her.
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