Friday, September 24, 2010

And she's off...

She's officially walking!! And not just 2 or 3 steps.. she is walking around the entire house! I can't believe it. In one week my little monster will be ONE. Crazy! She has turned our whole world upside down, and we love it!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bath time!

Just a little pic of bath time last night.

A new friend

On September 2nd 2010, Alexis Noelle Selden was born. It was a surprise to everyone, as she wasn't due until October 8th. Tania had an emergency c-section. Alexis had a very scary beginning, but came home 2 days ago and is doing great. (Mom is doing well too). She is absolutely beautiful and we can't wait to visit her again!

A journey to farm country

Last weekend we flew to Minnesota to visit extended family. Grandma and Grandpa J, and Mandy and Jon came along too. We stopped at the Mall of America on the way and got in some shopping and a few rides before heading down to Granite Falls.

We visited Grandma Arlyss' old house (which cousin Barry is now living in), and Rylee played in the corn and bean fields.

So many corn fields!

We stopped at a playground and Rylee had fun sliding with Auntie...
and swinging with dad.

Rylee got to meet Grandma Hazel for the first time. Stan, Mary and Diane (Marcia's siblings) were also there.

Grandma Hazel loved watching Rylee get into everything in her apartment!

We had Rylee baptized in Grandma Arlyss' church. Grandma played the organ, and cousin Brett did some readings during the service. She looked adorable in her little white dress!

Cousin Brett and Auntie Mandy were her sponsors.

After her baptism, Grandma Arlyss had everyone over to her house for a party. Rylee got to visit and play outside.

She loved playing with the grasshoppers! (RIP this little guy... Rylee doesn't know her own strength!)

Rylee had coffee with Grandpa Willis every morning.

And she learned to play piano!

All in all, we had a wonderful trip. It was great to see relatives that we hadn't seen since our wedding. A special thank you to Grandma A for having us and showing us such a fun time!

1st trip to the zoo

We took Rylee to the zoo a few weeks ago for the first time. We were a little worried that she may be too young and not notice all the animals, but boy were we wrong. She absolutely LOVED it! She especially loved the meer cats, they were so active and fun to watch.
The polar bear came right to the glass to say hi to Rylee. This is the first time Lance and I had seen him this close up! It was so cool!

She didn't care too much about the elephants!

She also loved the aquarium. She could have stayed in there all day if we let her!

I think we tired her out!

A new toy

Rylee is so close to walking that we thought we'd buy her a new toy to help her out. She loves it!
She walks all around the house with this thing. She hasn't quite learned how to turn it though. She runs into something and then yells until we move it for her.

This baby is just too cute!!

Another trip to Banks

We took a 2nd trip to Banks this year in August. It was just us 3, and Coulee. We stayed at Steamboat Rock state park (which was nice, but we won't be staying there again!).
Our friends Andy and Kristin were there as well, so we spent most of the weekend hanging out with them.

Coulee had a blast and even did a little cliff jumping! (She jumped from this rock with Lance)

The water was way down, so our Waikiki beach was very sandy. All in all, it was a fantastic weekend. Wish we could have stayed longer.