Saturday, January 19, 2013

My little dancer

Rylee had her first dance recital today.  She did amazing!  They did a routine to "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah," and Rylee was definitely the best in her class.  =)  She got a little sidetracked during one part, but she never stopped smiling and having a good time.  Grandma and Papa Jacobson, and the Wyss family all came to cheer her on.  I'm so proud of my little dancer! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy Holidays 2012

We hosted Christmas Eve this year.  We had family and lots of close family friends over.  We've been doing this for a long time now (we took the tradition over from my parents a few years ago).  It's always a great time and a chance to catch up with the people who are most important to us.
The kids must have been good this year because Santa came!  He brought them both stockings full of treats and toys.  After opening Santa's gifts we went to my parents house to celebrate Dad's birthday and open more Christmas gifts.  Carson could care less about the gifts, but Rylee had fun opening hers and everyone else's!  For dinner Mom made her traditional prime rib and crab.  DELICIOUS!!
We ended the year celebrating at Mandy and Jon's annual New Years cocktail party.  Carson slept the whole party, and Rylee had a blast playing and dancing with Jon's sisters kids (mostly a little girl named Caitlyn).  It was a great end to a wonderful year.  I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!

Friday, January 11, 2013

11 months

I can't believe my baby boy is almost one!!!  This has been the month of learning.  He started waving, giving high fives, clapping, signing "milk", dancing, singing, and trying to say all kinds of words.  He is a little chatterbox.  He has 4 full teeth now (2 top and 2 bottom), and he is working on 2 more on the top.  He is eating mostly people food now and loves it.  God forbid you give him baby food anymore... he will let you know that is NOT what he eats!  =)  He loves cars/ trucks, his dog Coulee, the water (yes... another water baby), doing anything his sister is doing, snuggles, and causing all kinds of trouble.  I love you so much little man!!!