Sunday, November 1, 2020

Happy Halloween 2020

The kids started Friday morning with a costume zoom.  The kids kept their video off and the class got to guess what each person was.  No one guessed that Carson was a jester.
It was pretty cute to see all the kids costumes.  Some were pretty creative!
We went over to Jon and Mandys early Halloween evening for their traditional white chicken chili and some trick or treating with Kennedy.  She was adorable.  She walked down the street saying "more candy, more candy" and walked right into the neighbors house when they answered the door.  She was adorable!
We weren't sure how trick or treating would be this year so we decided to host a small party for our neightbor friends.  We had to go all out on the decorations and food.  It was so fun!  We even did "brain hemorrage" shots.  They were dangerously delicious.

Trick or treating turned out to be better than expected.  Not as many houses were handing out candy, but the ones that did went all out!  They ended up with lots of full size candy bars and bags of treats.
The guys played poker, we had Just Dance competitions, and had a bonfire.  The kids jumped on the trampoline with light from tiki torches.  It was a great way to spend Halloween.  One of my favorites.  We have the best neighbors!

Fall traditions

Coulee has been very helpful during the kids' virtual school.  She has to know what everyone is doing at all times and be right there to supervise.

The kids have been going on walks/ bike rides every day for recess, even in the rain.  Its a fun new routine, and a good way to rid of that extra energy!
One sunny fall day we went down to Point Ruston with the neighbors to ride bikes/ scooters and have lunch.  
We visited Picha Farms pumpkin patch with the Vehs for some pumpkin picking and a corn maze.

After the patch we had margaritas at a mexican restaraunt and then went back to our house for a bonfire.  It was such a fun day and evening!
Pumpkin carving was fun as usual.  Carson needed a little extra help since his pumpkin was so large.  They turned out really cute!