Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cutie pie

Thought I'd post this sweet pic of Rylee since she is actually looking (and smiling) at the camera. This never happens.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekend at the beach house

It was a perfect weekend to spend at the beach. The weather was sunny, the food was good, the seagull feeding was fun, and the playing was plenty.

We took a walk to the park and spent lots of time sliding, swinging, and running.

Grandpa and Rylee had so much fun feeding Sammy the seagull (and his friends).

Rylee got to walk on the beach (and we got to try to keep her from running in the water).

Monday, February 14, 2011

Over the river and through the woods...

to Grandmother's house we go!

We drove down to Corvallis, OR this weekend to visit Rylee's Grandma J (Lance's mom). The day we got there was nice, so we got to run around and play at the park.

We did lots of walking around town and hanging out in Grandma J's apartment. Rylee absolutely LOVED Grandma's kitty. And surprisingly, the kitty didn't mind her!
She had fun playing with all of Grandma J's bears. She had 3 big bears that Rylee drug around everywhere.

The last day we went to a toy store that had a little play area for kids. Rylee spent an hour tiring herself out. Her favorite toy was this little ladybug she could ride around on. Thanks Grandma for having us over!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

2nd swim of the year

We've started taking Rylee to the aquatic center to get ready for the summer. She absolutely loves the water.
She practiced blowing bubbles in the water, dunking her head, floating on her back, swimming with a kickboard, and jumping off the side into Dad's arms.
I think we have a natural! We are going to start her in swimming lessons soon.
They even have a little play area outside the pool. Her and this little boy fought over driving this boat (you can see who won and is so proud of herself)!