Sunday, September 25, 2011

18 weeks

 That's right, I'm now 18 weeks along.  All is going well and we are all getting excited.  Rylee seems excited too, although I'm still not sure she knows what it means.  When I ask her about the baby she points at my tummy and says "out." 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Potty training

 Yes, that's right, we are learning to use the big girl potty.  She has gone the last 3 nights in a row now... so exciting!  Not sure what it is or why, but she only wants to go at night.  Oh well, baby steps!
As for me, I'm 17 weeks along and feeling pretty good.  We should find out the sex next month, I can't wait!

Friday, September 2, 2011

The asthma strikes again

We had a pretty eventful last couple of days.  Rylee started getting a cough and wheezing last week so I took her into the doctor on Thursday. Apparently it was a little worse than I thought.  Her oxygen level was barely 90, up to 92% on oxygen.  The doctor recommended that I take Rylee to the ER by ambulance.  That was pretty crazy for me, being on the other end of it.  By the time we got to the ER and checked in Rylee was feeling a lot better.  But, after waiting 4 hours (getting treatments and other things), she started to get more short of breath and her oxygen level dropped again.  The doctor decided to admit her overnight.  So, Rylee and I spent the night in the hospital.  She got lots of breathing treatments and liquid steroids, and luckily was feeling much better by the morning.  We finally got back home around 5.  It feels so good to be home!  Overall, we learned a lot about pediatric asthma and (hopefully) how to better control it and manage her symptoms.  There is so much that I do not know.  It's one thing treating kids in the ER, but it's a totally different thing watching and caring for your own sick baby.  Being in the hospital brought me back to when she was in the NICU after birth.   We've all come so far and I hope she never gets this sick again!