Friday, August 31, 2012

I want a pony!

 Last weekend was Alexis' 2nd birthday (our friend's Tania and Jason's daughter- middle picture).  She had her party at a little farm in Auburn.  The kids got to feed horses, pigs, goats, and many other animals.  They got to hold rabbits and guinea pigs.  They also got to go on a tractor ride.  That was all a blast, but Rylee's absolute favorite was the pony rides.  She absolutely LOVED riding the horse, walking the horse, and pretty much anything to do with the horses.  We have a little cowgirl on our hands!  Yee-haw!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

6 months

 Carson is 6 months!  His stats:
Weight: 19.6 lbs (75%)
Height: 27 inches (75%)
 I can't believe it's been 1/2 a year that he's been in our life and part of our family.  It seems like he's always been here and I can't imagine one minute without him.  He still has his sweet personality and is the coolest little guy I know.  He is now sitting up by himself!  He is eating cereal and oatmeal (well, he tries really hard but most of it doesn't make it past his tongue).  He loves to grab everything (and put most of it in his mouth), and he drools a lake daily.  He loves rolling over and scoots all over the place.  He talks up a storm and still only cries if he's hungry or tired.  He sleeps 7-8 hours at night, wakes to eat and sleeps a couple more hours.  He loves snuggling, drinking his milk (nursing), his bouncy seat, riding under the dash in the boat, playing with Sophie the Giraffe, playing outside, and laughing at his sister.  I don't want him to get any older... this is my very favorite age!!!   

Little friends

 Elisabeth and Ronan came to visit this week so we got the kiddos together for some fun.  They are just so sweet together!  I can already see the boys fighting over Kennedy when they get older!  Carson is 6 months, Ronan is 8 1/2 months, and Kennedy is 10 months.

More sun and fun

 We've definitely been taking advantage of the summer while we have it.  We've been boating, hanging with friends, and just enjoying some family time. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

My little swimmer

This is pretty much what my little girl was doing our entire trip to Banks.  For a 2 1/2 year old her swimming skills are amazing.  She is definitely her daddy's daughter!

I just had to add one more video.  Grandma and Papa bought Rylee a T-ball set and as you can see she is a natural!

Banks Lake 2012!

What can I say?  Banks Lake is still my very favorite vacation spot... even with kids!  My kids did awesome.  Carson is the most laid back, chill little dude.  He just went with the flow and enjoyed every minute.  Rylee pretty much never left the water.  I am so amazed at what a good swimmer she is.  They both slept well in the tent (in fact, we had to wake them up every morning), they both napped well, and they both were super happy and excited to be there. 

This year was a little different group than in past years, but was still a blast.  In some ways it was even better than past years.  My best girlfriends came with their families and kiddos for the first time (and hopefully not the last).  It was so much fun spending time with them, and Rylee loved having 2 little girls there to play with.  Carson even had a little buddy to hang out with and sleep next to in the boat.  We also had Kennedy (Dino and Chenda's 10 month old daughter) to play with.  We definitely missed Lis, Sherman and little Ronan.  I have a feeling next year will be the best ever.

Here is our trip in pictures: