Monday, February 11, 2019

Happy 7th Birthday Carson!

 We started off Carson's birthday celebration at Great Wolf Lodge.  We had a great weekend playing in the wave pool, sliding down the water slides, and playing in the arcade.
 We also had a little birthday celebration for him at home.  He was lucky enough to have snow the week of his birthday, so he got lots of sledding and play time in with his friends since they missed 3 1/2 days of school due to the snow.
 Happy 7th birthday to my sweet, stubborn, smart, thoughtful boy.  We'll have one more celebration next week when we escape the snow and visit my parents and Grandparents in Arizona!

Tulalip weekend with the girls

 My girlfriends and I just returned from our annual mom's weekend at the Tulalip Resort Casino.  It was a weekend full of laughter, relaxation, fancy drinks, room service, hot tub time, shopping, in room spa treatments, and just spending time with my favorite ladies!  
 After this weekend away we always return home relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on reality.  I'm so thankful for these amazing women.