Sunday, March 25, 2018

Carson's first school concert

Carson had his very first school concert "The Little Red Hen" this last Wednesday.  It was ADORABLE!  He was so excited and so cute on stage.  I might be biased but I think he is he sweetest!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Kennedy Rose is here!

My baby niece is here!  Kennedy Rose arrived 3/8/18 at 4:53 am.  7lbs 8oz and 20 1/4 in long.  She is just perfect!  
The kids and Lance met her on her birthday and they instantly fell in love.  I was working that day so I met her the following day.  She is precious and I'm in love too!
Since then we have been visiting almost daily (Mandy and Jon are probably sick of us by now).  Rylee is just so amazed by her and wants to help with everything.  She is the best cousin!