Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Just like a fish

Rylee finished her 3rd round of swimming lessons today.  She is such a little fish.  She loves the water so much and was sad to say goodbye to the pool.  Sadly, the next lessons are for school age kids (which she will not be for another year), so this is her last one for a while.  I'm sure she will get plenty of practice when summer comes around!  We are starting soccer next month.  Stay tuned. 
Carson had fun watching sis swim (or really, run around the stands and in and out every door he could find).  He loves to swim too and can hardly wait for the next class.  After the toddler class the next one isn't until age 3.  For now, he will practice in the bathtub.  =)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring fever

We got a little bit of sunshine in between the rain today so the kids took full advantage.  They got their bikes out for the first time this year and took them for a spin.  Rylee got a new bike from the consignment shop today and she is obsessed with it!  I couldn't beat the $14.95 price tag!  They've also been loving their new sunglasses.  We definitely have spring fever!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Poor Carson had a little accident this weekend.  He tripped walking down our front steps and slammed his face into the cement.  He is such a trooper though.  All he needed were a few snuggles and he was ready to play again.  He's such a cutie, even with his scraped up face!