Friday, September 25, 2020

One last summer getaway to Leavenworth

We escaped to Leavenworth for a long weekend to enjoy a few more warm summer days.  We stayed at the Icicle Village Resort, which was great!  The pool was open, they had mini golf, it was walking distance to town, and offered a 30% off discount for healthcare workers.  Score!
After "school" in the hotel room, we checked out the pump track which was just down the road from the hotel.  The kids loved it and were immediately obsessed.  After biking/ scootering for a while we walked the river trail to town and saw a bear!!  It was a little scary at the time, but also very cool!

In town we enjoyed some brews at Icicle Brewing and dinner at South.  So delicious!
The next day we played mini golf, wine tasted, played in the river, and went back to the pump  track.  Great day!
We wine tasted at Goose Ridge Cellars.  We had a little table right out front on the main street that was perfect for people watching.  🍷  It was a fun little getaway.  Now I'm ready for Fall!

This is a video of Carson riding his bike at the pump track.

This is Rylee scootering at the pump track.

Back to School 2020


The first day of school looked a little different this year!  Pajamas all day, zoom calls and meetings.  The kids are just happy to be back!
Rylee is in 5th grade with Mrs. Duty.  Carson is in 3rd grade with Mrs. Corbaley.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Summer pics

This summer wasn't exactly what we had planned on, but we made the most of it!  Lots of family time, and lots of walks and bike trails.
 Summer get togethers and birthday parties looked a little different, but were just as special (maybe even more so)!
 We spent time exploring with friends, and spent time playing in the lake.  
 The kids bought skateboards with their own money and learned to ride.  They became obsessed with skate parks and have visited 5 this summer.  Rylee got a new scooter and Carson is looking for a new BMX bike.  We figured since there are no sports right now due to covid, this is the next best thing!
 Lance and I managed to sneak away for a date night.  A late anniversary dinner at Sorcis in Sumner.
 Rylee spent some time with Kennedy,  AKA her little BFF!  They are so cute together. 💜
 Rylee got her braces off and got a new retainer to wear at night, and Carson lost a couple of stubborn teeth.
We took friends to the beach and showed them all of our favorite things.
 All in all, we had a great summer.  We got in a few little getaways, spent time with friends and neighbors, and had quality time together.  In fact, we spent extra time together that we may have taken for granted in the past.  In these crazy times with so much unknown I am grateful for a happy and healthy little family.  We always try to make the most of whatever comes our way... including upcoming virtual school!  Stay tuned...

Weekend at the beach house

We recently spent another great weekend at the beach house.  The first night was windy and perfect for kite flying!
The next day was warm and calm.  We took the boat out and went over to the rope swing across the water.  The kids looooooove this rope swing!  And its even more fun with a little push from Papa.

We had to go to the pool every day.  It's the kids favorite thing to do!  The new tradition is ice cream after swimming- Papa's treat!
The kids are getting really great at kayaking.  They just take off and kayak with the seals.  I prefer paddle boarding.
We took the boat over to Hope Island to explore.  We saw a couple deer laying in the shade, and a raccoon walking up the beach.  The raccoon looked a little scraggly.  We joked that he probably had covid.  😄
We passed a little marina and saw a heron and tons of seals.  The seals could care less that we were there checking them out.  They were so cute!  When we got back to the beach house and were on shore a seal decided to jump in the boat and relax.  It was the funniest thing!  My parents weren't too thrilled about it though and scared him out.
Rylee is such a little helper.  She especially loves helping Grandma and Papa.  She and Grandma made an apple crisp with apples from one of their trees.  It was delicious!
On the way home we stopped to show the kids where we got married.  The marina and gazebo was still just as beautiful and I remember it.  It was fun to show the kids where we started our family! 💗